#Jessica cruz yellowjackets full#
In a full Green Lantern team, her SP2 can apply burn DOT from gears such as The Ibistick ~8 times, making her a lethal weapon against bosses and high health enemies. Do note that her basics, if blocked, leave you vulnerable for a second. Overpowered 5-U-93-R also synergizes strongly with her as it boosts her already devastating basic attacks and the chance of life drain on combo ender will stack with that of the Gauntlets of Azrael. Gauntlets of Azrael have immense synergy with her, as her combo ender can deal massive amounts of damage and heal her whole team for extremely high amounts of HP. Power generation gears such as The Ibistick will allow her to use her SP2 more often, and therefore to activate her passive additionally, SP2-boosting gears such as the Fourth World Godly Mace could also be considered. When it comes to effectively gearing her, her immensely powerful light basic combo and SP2 should be considered.

Jessica Cruz backs off slightly while charging her combo ender, which in rare occasions may evade special attacks with very short range (while her combo enders are in turn negated by the special attack's immunity) if another opponent tags in right as the combo ender finishes, Kilowog may stun that opponent even if they are not hurt by the combo ender initially. Lastly, when you manage to knock out an opponent with the 1st hit of her combo-ender, the next opponent who tags in is unable to do anything, vulnerable to her combo ender. The character will be knocked out regardless of the amount of Power Shield. The stun appears to only affect the main health, and this can be shown when Kilowog comes in for the stun against an opponent with 1 health point while they are equipped with the Astro-Harness that has triggered its Power Shield.

However, it is possible for Kilowog to stun the opponent even if they started a special during her combo ender, which negates its damage, but not the chance to stun. If the entire combo is blocked, Kilowog cannot appear. Her first stun seems to occur at a very high chance, akin to Batman/Dawn of Justice's first evasion. The second part of her passive gives her combo ender a chance for calling in Kilowog to perform a Stun on her opponent (and dealing 2 damage), similar to Deadshot's combo ender, albeit at a much higher chance (~30%, versus Deadshot's ~10%). It is worth noting that, after her combo ender and after her special 2, she is unable to block for a second, leaving her vulnerable to special(s) from characters tagging in. She can also chain her heavy combo with her SP2, making it unblockable. However, this has a critical weakness compared to other Ibistick users - it only applies gear DoT 1 time if blocked.

The sawblade can apply gear DoT 8 times, meaning that with only The Ibistick and the saw blade's bleed damage increase, her SP2 can additionally deal 96% damage of enemy max health, the strongest in the game. This buff remains even if the Green Lantern teammates are knocked out. This is followed by a Bleeding at 0.5% of her damage stat per second, over 10 seconds, for a total of 5% (this confers bleeds' universal damage boost to the last hit of sawblade, increasing it to 4.8% minimum). This is followed by a rocket (10%) that snares the opponent (if she has at least 1 GL teammate), and finally a sawblade (5% + 4% x 7) for a total of 103%.

Her SP2 starts with wrist gun shots (10% x 4), a lasso slam (10%), and batting a baseball (10%) this is the part that is always performed regardless of teammates, adding up to the normal base minimum damage of 60% on a SP2 (prior to any upgrades, minigame, or other boosts). This is despite the fact that the former is technically classified as a Green Lantern card by Support cards and Gear, while the latter is classified as a Sinestro card. Most versions of Green Lantern will work, however, Hal Jordan/Red Lantern and Hal Jordan/Yellow Lantern do not count towards her passive, but Sinestro/Green Lantern does. The first part of her passive allows her to benefit from other Lanterns on her team, while the second part gives her a chance to Stun on her combo-ender. Jessica Cruz can be a very effective damage-dealing card if used correctly.